Shareholders Satisfaction Survey

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Dear Shareholder, 

We, at V-Mart, have strived to provide the best possible services to our shareholders while maintaining the highest standards of Corporate Governance. It is our constant endeavor to strengthen the shareholder’s service standards. Hence, we seek your valuable feedback through this survey to further improve our practices and engagement processes. 

You can trust us with your personal information (if shared by you). We value your privacy and the data shared in the survey shall solely be used for assessing your opinions on Shareholders Satisfaction and communicating with you on related aspects. Personal information includes details that identify you, such as your name, contact number, and email address. If you have any other suggestions or questions, please feel free to approach us at We would like to assure you that your feedback shall be kept confidential.
Shareholders Satisfaction Survey Fields marked with an * are required
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Company's Website
The official website of the company is All pertinent details concerning shareholders can be found in the 'Investor Relations' section of the website.

Please rate your level of satisfaction for the company's website
(1 depicts the lowest satisfaction and 4 denotes the highest)
1. Is the website easy to view and accessible while navigating?
2. Are you satisfied with the clarity and accuracy of the information provided on our website?
3. Do you find the financial information and reports available on our website to be comprehensive and easy to understand?
Dissemination of information about the Company
The company regularly disseminates relevant updates including financial performance, corporate developments, strategic initiatives, upcoming projects, and other important information with shareholders. These updates are disseminated through various channels such as company websites, press releases, stock exchange disclosures/ filings, email communications, newsletters, shareholder meetings, annual report and more. 

Please rate your level of satisfaction for the Dissemination of information by the Company through different channels.
(1 depicts the lowest satisfaction and 4 denotes the highest)
1. How satisfied are you with the channels through which information is disseminated to shareholders?
How satisfied are you with the frequency of information updates provided to shareholders?
3. Are you satisfied with the level of transparency in the information shared with shareholders?
4. Do you receive the Quarterly/ Half-Yearly/ Annually Financial Results of the Company via mail in a timely manner?
Annual Report of the Company
The company releases its annual report containing comprehensive information about the company prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). All the annual reports of the Company are accessible on the company's website ( and were also sent via e-mail to all shareholders.

Please rate your level of satisfaction for the Annual Report of the Company
(1 depicts the lowest satisfaction and 4 denotes the highest)
1. Are you able to easily understand and interpret the information presented in the annual report?
2. Did you receive the company's Annual Report in a timely manner?
3. Do you find the annual report to be comprehensive in covering all relevant aspects of the company's operations?

Interaction with Company's Officials
Though our RTA is responsible for resolving all shareholder queries, but in case a complaint remains unresolved, it can be escalated to the company's officials. Shareholders can raise their concerns by contacting and the details are also available on the Investor Support section of the website at

Please rate your level of satisfaction for the Interaction with Company's Officials
(1 depicts the lowest satisfaction and 4 denotes the highest)
1. Have you ever had a requirement or requested to meet/talk/write to any company official for any of your shareholder related query?
If your answer to question 1 is yes, then answer questions 2 to 4.
2. Are you satisfied with the level of transparency and openness demonstrated by the company's officials in their communication with shareholders?
3. How satisfied are you with the level of support and guidance provided by the company's officials for your shareholder-related needs?
4. How would you rate the quality & relevance of information received from the company’s officials?
Interaction with Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company - KFin Technologies Limited 
The company's RTA is KFin Technologies Limited. It serves as a dedicated point of contact for shareholders, providing accessibility for assistance and information regarding their shareholdings. The RTA ensures accurate record-keeping of shareholders' information, including share transfers, ownership details, and share certificates. It also manages dividend payments, handles inquiries, and assists with account updates. The RTA is responsible for resolving all shareholder queries. The contact details of the RTA is available on the website of the Company at

Please rate your level of satisfaction for the Interaction with RTA of the Company
(1 depicts the lowest satisfaction and 4 denotes the highest)
1. Have you ever had a requirement or requested to interact with the RTA of the Company for any of your shareholder related query?
If your answer to question 1 is yes, then answer questions 2 to 4.
2. Is the Company’s RTA easily accessible?
3. Is the turnaround time of response from the RTA adequate?
4. How satisfied are you with the responsiveness of the RTA when you reach out with inquiries or requests?
General Meeting and E-Voting Facility of the Company
Due to COVID-19, the company has conducted its General Meetings online for the past three years. This online mode ensures shareholder safety while maintaining their rights and participation in key decisions. The E-Voting facility enhances accessibility and convenience, fostering greater shareholder engagement. Conducting meetings online allows shareholders to attend from anywhere, promoting inclusivity and adapting to changing circumstances.

Please rate your level of satisfaction for the General Meeting and E-Voting Facility of the Company
(1 depicts the lowest satisfaction and 4 denotes the highest)
1. Have you attended the General Meeting of the company?
If your answer to question 1 is yes, then answer questions 2 & 3.
2. Rate your experience with the video conferencing/ OAVM platform of the Company?
3. How well does the company facilitate shareholders' participation and engagement during the General Meeting?
4. If you had utilized the E-Voting facility provided by the company, then how satisfied are you with its ease of use and functionality of the e-voting facility?
5. How satisfied are you with the accessibility and availability of the General Meeting materials (e.g., agenda, resolutions, reports)?
Grievance Resolution Mechanism
The Company's Grievance Resolution Mechanism is formulated to provide efficient services to the investors and to effectively address and redress the grievances of the investors in a timely manner. The Company strives to follow highest standards of corporate governance, transparency and disclosures at all times. The Company's policy on grievance mechanism can be accessed from

Please rate your level of satisfaction for the Grievance Resolution Mechanism of the Company
(1 depicts the lowest satisfaction and 4 denotes the highest)
1. Have you ever had a need or made a request to utilize the company's grievance resolution mechanism for your shareholder related grievance?
If your answer to question 1 is yes, then answer questions 2 to 4.
2. How would you rate the effectiveness of the company's grievance resolution mechanism?
3. Did you find the grievance resolution process to be satisfactory?
4. Is the turnaround time of response adequate?